The Keto Eating Plan has been recommended as a major weight loss program. Keto has changed some people’s bodies in stunning ways. It’s a low-carb way of eating that has been used by many looking to lose weight and improve health. During a Keto Eating Plan, carbs are typically reduced to around 20 grams per day. Thus, it has been shown to lead to weight loss, however, to acquire the benefits of the Keto Eating Plan, it must be implemented correctly.
Here are some reasons you are not losing weight on Keto.
Reason # 1- Eating Too Many Carbs: On the Keto Eating Plan, you are eating more fat and lowering carb intake. This makes your body burn stored fat for energy. To lose weight on the Keto Eating Plan, you must watch your Carb intake. One of the main reasons people don’t lose weight on Keto is that people consume too many carbs. For losing weight on this diet, carb intake must be around 20 grams per day to enable the state of Ketosis and therefore fat burning.
Reason # 2- Eating Less Nutritious Foods: The key to healthy weight loss is to consume nutritious foods, no matter what dietary plan you follow. So, while you may think you are making great steps toward your weight loss goals by eating significantly less, your body needs the right amount of high-quality food with the right proportions to get to a healthy weight.
Reason # 3 – Not being careful With Dairy: Sometimes eating a lot of dairy foods can take you out of Ketosis. Certain dairy products such as flavored yogurt and 2% milk contain a surprising amount of carbohydrates.
Reason # 4 – An Undiagnosed Medical Issue: The Keto Eating Plan is an effective weight loss plan. However, it’s a good idea to rule out any medical issues that may prevent your weight loss success. Depression, Hypothyroidism, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, and Hyperinsulinemia are medical issues that can cause weight gain and make it very difficult to lose weight.
Reason # 5 – Stressed Out: Researchers show that stress, especially chronic stress, can negatively impact weight loss. Those who are chronically stressed are often sleep deprived, which has also been linked to weight gain.
Reason # 6 – Less Physical Activity: Integrating more physical activity into your lifestyle is vital when trying to lose weight on a Keto Eating Plan. Physical activity burns calories but also helps build muscle, which gives your metabolism a boost by increasing the amount of energy burned at rest.
Reason # 7 – Eating Too Much Protein: The Keto Eating Plan is not a high-protein diet. It’s a moderate protein diet in which about 20% of your calories come from protein. Too much protein can kick you out of Ketosis.
There are many reasons that negatively impact weight loss. The Keto Eating Plan can be an effective weight-loss tool along with other healthy lifestyle changes.