A Keto Eating Plan is a low-carb, higher-fat, moderated protein diet that can help you to burn fat more effectively. This diet can be especially useful for losing excess body fat without hunger and improvement of type2 diabetes.
There are some rules of the Keto Eating Plan that can help you to hit your weight-loss goals.
So, to set your expectations, you should be prepared to commit to following the Keto rules.
Rule # 1 – Restrict Carbohydrates: You must completely avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates, especially sugar and grains. Because for the Keto Eating Plan to work you need to limit your carb intake. In this Plan, carbs restriction is 20 grams per day or less. Fiber does not have to be restricted. It is important to terminate all rich sources of carbs from your diet on your way to being Keto.
Rule # 2 – Eat More Healthy Fat: A Keto Eating Plan is normally a higher-fat plan because fat supplies the energy that you are no longer getting from the carbohydrates. You should choose only to eat the best quality sources of natural fats. A Keto Eating Plan promotes fat, but not just any kind of fat. It promotes the consumption of healthy fats which are found in organic meat, eggs, wild-caught fish, other seafood, cheese and organic dairy, avocados, nuts, etc.
Rule # 3 – Avoid Snacking: Avoid eating more often than you need to. Following the Keto Eating Plan properly means you will not feel hungry for around 5 hours from your last meal. There is one type of fat you need to avoid regardless of whether you are on the Keto Eating Plan or not, it is called trans-fat. Trans fat is found in most industrially produced oils and fats like cake, pizza, cookies, crackers, packaged snacks, fried chicken, margarine and vegetable oil, etc.
Rule # 4 – Eat a Moderate Protein amount: A Keto Eating Plan is not a high protein diet, it is a mainly high-fat diet. In spite of concerns that people on Keto Eating Plans eat too much protein, this does not seem to be the case for most people. Amino acids from protein can also be converted to glucose. This is also related to individual factors like insulin resistance and type2 diabetes.
The main function of a Keto Eating Plan is to create a state of Ketosis. Getting into Ketosis means restricting carbs to low levels, ideally around 20 grams of carbs per day. For the ultimate boost, in your body you will have Ketones alongside the carbs for metabolic flexibility and maximum energy.